Spotted Trunkfish
Brian Weber
Caribbean Reef Shark in the blue
Brian Weber
Ornate Ghost Pipefish
Brian Weber
Ornate Ghost Pipefish #1
Brian Weber
Yellowhead jawfish peeking out
Brian Weber
Lionfish profile
Brian Weber
Clark's Anemonefish
Brian Weber
Northern Puffer
Brian Weber
Flounder in the sand
Brian Weber
Secretary blenny
Brian Weber
Glasseye Snapper
Brian Weber
Winter flounder
Brian Weber
Lined Seahorse
Brian Weber
Northern pipefish
Brian Weber
Atlantic Torpedo eyes
Brian Weber
Great Barracuda
Brian Weber
Nassau Grouper
Brian Weber
Spotted Moray Eel
Brian Weber
Caribbean Reef Shark
Brian Weber
Nassau Grouper #2
Brian Weber
Saddled blenny
Brian Weber
Scrawled cowfish
Brian Weber
Secretary blenny peeking out
Brian Weber
Pair of northern pipefish
Brian Weber
Puffed Northern Puffer
Brian Weber
Northern pipefish #1
Brian Weber
Striped burrfish
Brian Weber
Spotted Scorpionfish
Brian Weber
Sculpin peeking out
Brian Weber
Green Moray Eel
Brian Weber
Whale Shark Feeding
Brian Weber
Nose to nose with a whale shark
Brian Weber
Whale shark at the surface
Brian Weber
Striped Eel Catfish
Brian Weber
Blue Ribbon Eel
Brian Weber
Orange Spotted Goby
Brian Weber
Thorny Seahorse
Brian Weber
Thorny Seahorse #1
Brian Weber
Juvenile Sweetlips
Brian Weber
Greater Soapfish
Brian Weber
Spotted moray on the move
Brian Weber
Queen Angelfish
Brian Weber
Grubby in the algae forest
Brian Weber
Rock Gunnel posing
Brian Weber
Small red sculpin in the seaweed
Brian Weber
Friendly Nassau Group
Brian Weber
Saddled Blenny on its perch
Brian Weber
Indigo Hamlet
Brian Weber
Yellowhead jawfish dancing in the spotlight
Brian Weber
Tiny lumpfish looking tough
Brian Weber
Sculpin camouflage
Brian Weber
White and Pink Sculpin
Brian Weber